




吉米·哈桑(Jimmy Hassan) - 加拿大颜色 /披萨披萨特许经营者 /社区支持者的首席执行官

吉米·哈桑(Jimmy Hassan)


  • 这个奖项对您个人意味着什么?


  • SLC学生或一般的大学如何与您的工作或社区相交?


  • 您今天在这里看到了什么道路?您成功的一些要素是什么?

我的道路是决心的第一道路。没有决心超越巴基斯坦的墙壁,我不会在任何地方。我知道我可以实现更多,所以我决心实现它。但是,开始我的旅程本身很艰难。这是关于牺牲的,因为我知道我很少见到我的家人和朋友,走我的童年时代或能够拥抱我的母亲。凭借勇气,支持和同样的决心,我离开了家,最终通过美国来到加拿大。最初,这很难。我不仅不知道语言或有钱,而且我的小教育在北美无关紧要,因为他们找到了工作。但是我什么也没拿,而是做了一些东西。我保持决心,但也有创造力。 With some critical thinking, I was able to find work around that put me on more equal footing, and with hard work to boot I became just like someone born here in time.

  • 谁是您最大的灵感,为什么?

我想归功于两个人。首先是我妈妈。她是第一个鼓励我一生的人,实际上,她是促使我离开巴基斯坦的人。她看到我有野心在我们的生活状况和经济状况中无法实现。她知道很难让她的儿子走,但是她鼓励我做让我开心的事情,追求让我快乐的事情。她是一个坚强的女人,可以为我提供服务,我仰望她。没有她,我不会有勇气去做这一切。接下来,我当然要感谢我的妻子。她一直在我身边,我很高兴与像她这样的一个了不起的坚强的女人结婚。我知道所有的奔波和工作都会感到压力和烦人,但是她坚持下去,因为她知道这既适合社区的更好,又是我的梦想。 She always encourages me to do what makes me happy as well and has an active role in it all. With her support, as with the rest of my family, I feel I can do anything.

  • 您可以与SLC毕业生分享什么灵感/智慧?

认识到,为了成功,您必须愿意失败。将每一场比赛,每一个挑战和每个失败视为增长的机会,并认识到这是进步的必要部分。除非您经历了失败,否则您无法理解成功的含义。然后,您必须引起这种挫败感,并将其转化为正能量,并让该挫败感向您与您联系的每个人都流向每个步骤,从而朝着与您联系的每个人。通过问自己要成为谁想要成为谁的棘手问题来建立愿景,而这个答案不必过夜,随着您的生活,它将继续改变和改变。设定短期目标并追求他们。依靠生活中积极的声音并用积极的能量包围自己,因为那是帮助我到达今天的位置。如果我听所有的消极情绪,我将永远不会向前迈出一步。我证明您来自何处或您的道路已经或将是多么困难。如果您通过为他人服务来提升自己,那么您将以您从未想到的方式获得回报。 Like receiving an honorary diploma from an esteemed institution like SLC, it is a dream come true, and I never imagined that I would be standing here one day.


凯茜·克利里(Cathy Cleary)


  • 这个奖项对您个人意味着什么?


作为圣劳伦斯学院的毕业生,我非常感谢Pam Bovey-Armstrong提名我。她是一名教育家,企业家和社区领导者的强国。她向我介绍了SLC的众多员工和学生,我与他们一起工作,并热烈欢迎我进入他们的生活和学习。

  • SLC学生或一般的大学如何与您的工作或社区相交?

在过去的27年中,在社区卫生和国际发展方面工作为我提供了与地方和国际团体和机构合作的机会。不久前,我想起了圣劳伦斯学院(St. Lawrence College)的惊人工作,因为我参加了第一次年轻女性创新者会议,担任维京人法官。从那一刻起,我感到与圣劳伦斯学院社区重新建立了联系。我继续与Enactus的学生会面,他们接受了销售日历的项目,以支持刚果博士的Tchukudu妇女培训中心,在那里,妇女学习了裁缝的技能,以产生收入来养活和教育孩子。他们筹集了超过1200美元。我参加了创新中心的Sofun研讨会,学习了许多关于如何结构,建立和发展国际社会企业的新想法。

2018年,我与Polina Buchan,Kathleen Wright和Pam Bovey-Armstrong及其许多聪明而引人入胜的商务学生合作,并在一个创新的小说Shopify项目中合作。这包括我们正在进行的网站www.couragecongo.com的完整设置以及12月的假期活动,由刚果妇女制造的在线购物手提袋的在线销售,总计超过4000美元。该项目包括营销传播专业企业“ Spark”的出色创造力,其中包括徽标,图形设计和广告想法,包括杂志广告,伴随着Profile Kingston中的深入文章。Jadon和Elle的学生在我们的联合项目结束后很长时间继续支持该网站。

  • 您今天在这里看到了什么道路?您成功的一些要素是什么?

1981年,我从SLC毕业时,康沃尔校园(Cornwall Campus)在工商管理领域 - 财务,我从来没有成像过我的人生道路会把我带到今天的位置。从银行业到拥有一家小型企业,再到金斯敦社区助产士,然后回到妇女研究,社会学和公共管理的学校,我一直热衷于学习和尝试理解。在2002年,我发现社区发展的工作从事无家可归,毒品使用和粮食不安全问题的工作,我觉得我已经找到了自己的位置,我的人民和我的人民

自1984年以来,我想在看到埃塞俄比亚的饥荒的形象之后,我一直想去非洲旅行。我认为也许我可以以某种方式提供帮助,我渴望走了。二十四年后,2008年,我加入了一家医疗大篷车,加拿大非洲社区卫生联盟前往坦桑尼亚。这次冒险使我踏上了国际项目和计划的新轨迹。2014年,我加入了希瑟·海恩斯(Heather Haynes)参观刚果民主共和国,现在我与令人难以置信的妇女合作,受到暴力造成的创伤,这些暴力现在正在建立新的收入产生的技能和企业。

  • 谁是您最大的灵感,为什么?




  • 您可以与SLC毕业生分享什么灵感/智慧?




Northern Cables Inc的创始合作伙伴


Shelleyis是Brockville北部电缆的创始合作伙伴之一,这是本土企业家成功的故事。  He is the CEO and has 265 staff working at plants in Brockville and Prescott.  He ensures his company is driven by listening to customer’s needs. 

  • 这个奖项对您个人意味着什么?

我倾向于在雷达之下生活,因此由同事提名并被圣劳伦斯学院的认可是一个巨大的惊喜和巨大的荣誉。  I feel this award also recognizes that the hard work and efforts of my colleagues and the employees at Northern Cables are valued in our community.  

在过去的25年中,Northern Cables种植了一个大型竞技,现在我们能够为慈善机构,教育机构和社区倡议做出贡献。  For me, this award is about being a good corporate citizen and demonstrating maturity and responsibility, just as our forefathers did.  

  • SLC学生或一般的大学如何与您的工作或社区相交?

北部电缆是一家不断发展的制造工厂,依靠该地区的毕业生学院。  Together with the Skills, Training, and Economic Development programs and working co-operatively with the Economic Development Sector of the St. Lawrence Corridor, Northern Cables wants to encourage graduates to consider a career in manufacturing.  

当我毕业时,加拿大近20%的劳动人口被雇用在制造业中,但可悲的是,今天这个数字已减少到今天的9%左右。  St. Lawrence College and this economic region have an opportunity to become a destination for industrial firms looking for resources, a talented workforce, and a great location.  For the past 25 years, supply chains have become more reliant on offshore manufacturing.  Any hiccup in supply, especially as we have experienced with the pandemic, has led to shortages and quality issues that has exposed Canada’s vulnerability.  Now, as the world realizes its dependency on products from far away countries, we need to encourage more training in the trades and technical courses to support those industries that are starting to re-shore back to North America.  

  • 您今天在这里看到了什么道路?  What were some ingredients of your success?

每年夏天从小就开始工作,教会了我赚钱和辛勤工作的价值。用钢羊毛,驯服的道路和清洁印刷机擦洗牛奶巴氏杀菌水壶成为我的“制造方式”的版本。  Selling bread and milk, newspapers and souvenirs on commission is a difficult thing to master when you are young.  My first finance course was to learn how my summer earnings, plus student loans would finance my education.  

我很幸运能在70年代至90年代的几十年中在重工业工作。  Moving from primary steel to alloy steel to nuclear and finally to the wire and cable industry provided a career’s worth of invaluable experience in so many ways.  But it was my early childhood selling experiences that became important when we started our manufacturing business.  Accepting rejection and learning how to upsell were important when we were trying to inflate our balloon at Northern Cables.

近年来,我开始参与志愿工作和行业协会,以拓宽我的地平线并回馈社区。  This is where I learned how others operate when it pertains to money matters.  Operating a manufacturing business is like sustaining a living, breathing entity.  It takes a whole team to control the levers to keep the boat upright.  

  • 谁是您最大的灵感,为什么?

从小起,我就受到老师,导师和优秀领导者的启发。  Learning how to do logarithms and square roots by hand were lessons for me to study hard in school and be persistent.  David Beatty, Frank Davies, Donald Green, Hugh Grightmire, Al Smith, and Norm Saunders were great mentors to me at Northern Cables, and their business skills were invaluable.  The odds of starting a manufacturing business and developing your own brand are quite slim, and to go up against established electrical products across North America provided the ultimate challenge: competition.  

我一开始就承受着巨大的压力,我所有的伴侣也承受了巨大的压力。  Inhumane hours of work and the pressure to succeed were the norm for several years.  Not one of my partners gave up and their strong work ethic provided me continual inspiration to aim higher.

  • 您可以与SLC毕业生分享什么灵感/智慧? 

 Obtaining your diploma or degree is a prerequisite for many occupations, and after you complete your formal education, you will enter a world where you may encounter rejection. We all have to learn to deal with that and not let it get you down.  Remember, “no” is not a bad word.

当我们开始北部电缆时,我访问了加拿大的许多电气分销商,提供了我们计划在一开始就出售的AC90产品。  Everywhere I went the answer was “no.”  Customers did not want to be the first to buy our product or risk losing their current trusted supply.

我们没有放弃,而是从外部顾问那里获得了建议,并重新制定了业务计划,以制造更复杂的产品 - Teck Cable。  This change required some different equipment and a more difficult manufacturing process to make this industrial product.  It wasn’t easy but eventually things worked out well after making the change.  I can honestly say I have endured many rejections over the years, in both official languages.  Be thankful, respectful, and ask for advice.  It is how you learn to overcome rejection.   



罗斯视频是安大略省东部最大的雇主之一,拥有800多名员工,收入超过2亿美元。  罗斯视频将一家移动计算机实验室捐赠给了Seaway District高中,并向易洛魁族的一座新的当地机场和露营地建筑物捐款。 David is an advocate for his local community and provides support wherever he can.

  • 这个奖项对您个人意味着什么?  

从圣劳克塞尔(S. There’s a reason why people passionately thank those around them at award shows like the Oscars. My parents invested time in me, and my own family sometimes had to make do when I didn’t have time for them. I’ve been so fortunate to be surrounded by some of the most talented people in our industry. This isn’t really an award for me, it’s an award recognizing everyone that helped us achieve so much together. 

  •  How have SLC students or the college in general intersected with your work or community?    

我在海道沿着易洛魁人长大。我看到了我青年时代的圣劳克雷克里灌溉日,看着它从金斯敦,经过布罗克维尔,并经过康沃尔郡。那条河Tiedall河一起,我的易洛魁人的家乡就在中间。我的公司罗斯视频(Ross Video)已经聘请了圣劳伦斯学院(St. Lawrence College)的毕业生将近50年。这些学生为我们的公司做出了巨大贡献,罗斯由于贡献而能够回馈社区。   

  • 您今天在这里看到了什么道路?您成功的一些要素是什么?    

我可以谈论所有有效的业务策略,技术灵感,关键的销售胜利,但这并不是我们成功的核心。核心,成功来自吸引好人并保持他们的参与和快乐。 When I was younger, social skills weren’t my strength; I loved technology and was good in school, but I made some mistakes with people. Fortunately, over time and with some good advice, I learned from those mistakes and thought deeply about what works and what doesn’t, not just individually as a person, but throughout an organization. We eventually wrote down many of those core elements and we live by them in the culture of our company. In the end, we built a company that’s great to work in and that was a major key to our success. 

  • 谁是您最大的灵感,为什么?  

像陈词滥调一样,但是我的父母。我父亲对工程充满热情,这使我一臂之力。1975年,他九岁那年,他带回家了一台电脑,此后没有回头路。在晚餐表上,我们谈论了业务,而不是体育,并辩论了各种人力资源问题的不同优点。多年来,我写下了无数的业务建议,我父亲一遍又一次地绘制了他们。从那以后,我的父亲与托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)这样的人正式被正式公认为电影和电视行业的同伴,并拥有加拿大的命令,所以,是的,我很幸运能够获得这一水平的指导。我的母亲对我有如此温暖和信念,以至于我能够一生都充满信心。 

  • 您可以与SLC毕业生分享什么灵感/智慧?  

 Live a meaningful and interesting life. On the meaning side, enjoy a shared purpose with a good team. Don’t stay in bad teams that drag you down. Contribute to that team and be a valued member. At the same time, live interesting and positive days that are not readily forgotten and never regretted. Whether doing interesting things in your work or outside of your work, shake up your brain regularly. Use your diploma or degree as a jumping off point to live a good life. 





  • 这个奖项对您个人意味着什么?  

这对我来说是一个很大的事。 I believe that you get involved with community organizations because you believe in them and the work they do, and it is highly rewarding to have your work with such organizations recognized in such a truly inspiring way. 

  • SLC学生或一般的大学如何与您的工作或社区相交?  

我的妻子瓦莱丽(Valerie)是一位退休的老师,爱赫霍巴德(Herjoband),我们都是教育的忠实信徒。  I taught Business Law at the College for a number of years in the early days of my career and thoroughly enjoyed that experience. My law firm has hired legal assistants who graduated from St. Lawrence College program, including a student I taught in that program, and who is still a member of our team today. 

  • 您今天在这里看到了什么道路?您成功的一些要素是什么?  

我开始了我的大专教育计划,去了西安大略大学的商学院。  I switched to law after my second year and graduated from Law School at the University of Windsor. My interest in business never waned and so my focus has been business law and estate planning for my business clients. My extracurricular activities have followed a similar pattern and my continued interest in business has fueled my community involvement. For example, I drafted and processed the documentation that incorporated the St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences and the St. Lawrence River Institute Foundation.  I did the same for the revitalization group Cornwall’s Heart of the City and, on behalf of the City of Cornwall, I drafted the By-Law which created the Downtown Business Improvement Area. I have served as a director on the board of the St. Lawrence River Institute Foundation since its incorporation.  I was a founder of, Heart of the City, and served as its Chair for many years and I have been the past Chair and continue to be a member of the board of directors of the Downtown Business Improvement Area.  

我最骄傲的成就之一是城市社区改进计划的核心。  A Community Improvement Plan is a tool recognized in the Municipal Act and utilizing a combination of programs including grants, interest free loans and tax increment financing to allow a property owner to improve underutilized or vacant property in an affordable way. The Heart of the City Community Improvement Plan, which is now operated entirely by the City of Cornwall, was researched, written, proposed to the City of Cornwall Municipal Council, and promoted to property owners by Heart of the City.  It has played a major role in the transition of the City and, of the downtown, from a mill town and leveraged millions of dollars of investment in our community in the process. 

  • 谁是您最大的灵感,为什么?  

我的父亲,因为我的名字是我最大的灵感。他是直接营销领域的业务主管和创新者。他作为Sovereign Seat Ltd.和Fingerhut International的总裁兼首席执行官的成功,这是一段时间以来,是康沃尔郡康沃尔郡第四大私营部门雇主,而Courtaulds,我相信CIL是我们家庭的重要来源。。我父亲向我灌输了我对商业的热爱和对社区服务的信念。  He was a member of the Kinsmen Club, one of Cornwall’s premiere service clubs, and used his expertise in marketing to help the club develop a lottery system that became so big, the Ontario Government took it over and it became Wintario, a forerunner to OLG and the current provincial lotteries. My dad passed away in 2014 and I hope that my community service continues to add to the legacy he built.   

  • 您可以与SLC毕业生分享什么灵感/智慧?  

我相信生活与人际关系有关的信念。就我而言,我是丈夫,父亲和祖父。  I am also a business partner, an employer, and a lawyer with a relationship with my clients and colleagues.  I am a member of the downtown Cornwall business community and a citizen of the City of Cornwall.  I prioritized my relationships in that order.  If I can offer one piece of advice, I would recommend that you take time to identify each of your relationships and that you regularly review and re-evaluate each of them.  I also believe that it is difficult to be of much service to your community until you have your own house in order. Do not take more from a relationship than you give and do not take any of them, particularly the family ones, for granted.  This, I believe, is the true meaning of work-life balance. 

我认为,由于与社区的关系,我正在收到这个霍纳尔。  Institutions and organizations like the River Institute, the College, the DBIA, Heart of the City and many others are important to the growth and wellbeing of this community. These relationships need and deserve our time and attention.

帕特里夏(Tish)汉弗莱斯 - 董事会主席,Hubforbeyond 21基金会

帕特里夏·汉弗莱斯(Patricia Humphries)

蒂什(Tish)是SLC在1977年康沃尔校园(Cornwall Campus)的护理计划的研究生,但离开了该行业,与丈夫在家庭农场合作。她创立了超越21基金会,该基金会是一个非营利组织,为21岁及以上的成年人提供出色的节目。            

  •  What does this award mean to you personally?                

考虑到这个奖项,这是一个完整而奇妙的惊喜。 I am both humbled and honored to be the recipient of this prestigious award, one of the most significant events of my lifetime. The kindness of people never ceases to amaze me. The quote from Albert Schweitzer that sits above my desk, is one of my daily inspirations, “What determines our success is how we affect the lives of others.”

  • SLC的学生或一般的学院如何与您的工作或社区相交?                                         

我们的社区合作伙伴关系非常出色! Students have completed their placements at Beyond 21 for the last decade from the Social Service Worker, Personal Support Worker, and Business programs. They gain valuable experience, and at the same time support the programing at our center. Our participants love working with the students in groups and one-on-one, which is even more special. We are always sad to say goodbye once their time at our “Place to Belong” is over. The relationships established are a win-win opportunity for all!                                                                            

  • 您今天在这里看到了什么道路?  What were some of the ingredients of your success?


对迈德米家庭一生的影响最大的是我们的第四个女儿艾玛(Emma)的诞生。艾玛(Emma)出生于莫萨(Mosaictrisome)9,这是一种罕见的染色体障碍,这种诊断永远改变了我们的家庭生活。这是医生,医院和治疗师的一生。当艾玛(Emma)18岁时,我开始寻找她的邮费21的机会,当时Shewoldleaverschoolsystem。由于缺乏机会,我感到震惊,而MY14岁的Journey Beganto为Emma和其他情况下的其他人找到了解决方案。 Beyond 21 opened a decade ago and became a place where adults with developmental disabilities are respected and connect and contribute to our community.


  • 谁是最大的灵感,为什么? 

我一生中最大的灵感是我的堂兄艾米特·约翰斯神父,他是牧师,人道主义者,人道主义者,丹斯·拉雷(Dans La Rue),他是街头青年的无家可归者庇护所和支持小组。1988年,他获得了10,000美元的贷款,他购买了一家二手车,并在夜间带到蒙特利尔的街头,向街头青年分发食物和基本商品,并给他们一个热身的地方。该组织超越了他的梦想。他的哲学是“没有判断力的帮助”。 I was blessed to have him in my life; he taught me so much with his passion to make a difference in the lives of troubled youth.

  • 您可以与SLC毕业生分享什么灵感/智慧?                    

与成功的人在一起,他们会激发您的灵感,挑战您,支持您并在您的成功上庆祝您,并在您失败的情况下安慰您。 Never stop learning, it doesn’t have to be academics, the sky is the limit to how you can enhance your education. Work hard and play hard, maintain a balance. Remember that word “perseverance,” your dreams are worth the work and sacrifice. Get outside and exercise -- it is important for both your mental and physical health. Give back to your community by volunteering and help a charity of your choice. I promise this act of kindness will make you feel so good!
